15 Qualities of Smart Business People
What exactly is "smart"? Being smart is more than having a high IQ.
It has been proven time and again that IQ is fixed. The way we learn at
15 is the same way we learn at 50. To be smart one has to bring more to
the table than intelligence alone. At the core of smart people is an
acute and ever expanding self-awareness. Smart people tend to be quick
and prompt, mentally ready, shrewd, clever, effective, neat or trim in
their appearance, socially elegant, sophisticated, current and
charismatic. Smart is the sum total of many character
traits expressing itself globally through a person’s impact on their
1. Intuitive.
Smart people do
not just rely on facts, they listen to and follow their intuition. They
are aware of when and how their intuitions and insights come to them.
They are internally tuned-in to make wise decisions. Smart people are
able to clearly see the reasons and motivations of other people. Because
of this, they can selectively choose when, what and with whom to align
themselves. They use their intuition in decision making, to chart new
paths and in being diligent in surrounding themselves with only the
highest quality people, programs and customers.
2. Conscious.
people know who they are and are conscious of their emotional and
behavioral tendencies across situations. They know their strengths,
weaknesses, personality traits, values, morals and beliefs. Smart people
are wise to others but know that self-awareness is the ticket to their
personal enlightenment and business advancement. They show the deepest
commitment to themselves and to their own development. They are keen in
knowing that the more conscious they are of themselves, the better they
are able to know and predict others.
3. Reflective.
people look back on, and learn from, experiences. They do not get stuck
in the past but know they must look in the review mirror to properly
navigate the front window. As they look back they take inventory on what
they can learn from their experiences. They either perfect and repeat
past efforts or abolish strategies that clearly did not work. They take
the time to think about decisions before jumping in, and afterward,
actively reflect to gain deeper insight into what worked and what
4. Creative.
Smart people are
never satisfied with one level of advancement of their product,
themselves or their business. They are drawn to new ideas, radical
thoughts and innovative ways of changing and doing things. Smart people
desire to chart new paths and crave progressive thinking, concepts and
people. Their natural thought process is out-of-the-box. Stepping
outside their comfort zone is something they see as imperative to their
5. Open-minded.
Smart people
welcome different perspectives and see opportunities where most do not.
They see the mind as a parachute -- it works best when open. Smart
people are comfortable in paradoxical situations and have a passion for
problem solving and fixing things in new and inventive ways. They are
willing to listen to different points of view on how to strategize in
problem solving situations. They let go of having things be their way
when they come across more effective solutions.
6. Timely.
people recognize and respond immediately to opportunities and people.
They act and react quickly, taking care of what needs to be done well
ahead of schedule. Procrastination is not their habit, as losing
opportunities is not an option. All opportunities, along with mutually
respectful relationships, develop from promptness and dependability.
7. Resourceful.
people know where to get whatever information, resources, supplies,
training and education they need when they need it. They have copious
resources. They are well-networked and have many people to call on for
referrals. This type of resourcefulness makes them successful as they
are never short of ways to get to their goals
8. Independent.
people habitually question authority. They do not blindly accept
what so-call experts preach. They ask deeper questions others do not so
as to discover their own truths. It is only through the discovery of
their own truths that they can validate implementing new strategies.
9. Lifelong learners.
people use their minds to the fullest. They are consummate learners.
They are not lazy in their thinking and see the discovery of all new
information as upgrades to their skills, knowledge, cutting edge
information, attitudes and beliefs. Smart people crave and gather the
collective brain power of others by reading books, magazines and
articles that assist their own development. Learning is never a drag or a
bore because for smart people learning is intrinsically rewarding.
10. Lighthearted.
people do not take life or themselves too seriously. They have a sense
of humor about things and recognize the importance of finding the joy in
the irony and comedy of everyday life. Smart people find blessings in
the bummers, silver linings in challenges and solutions in the problems.
It is through this that they continue to be successful and personally
satisfied in life.
11. Explorers.
people are willing to try new things, knowing that if what they try at
first doesn’t work out as they had hoped, it is no harm, no foul. They
accept their failures as cleverly disguised learning opportunities. They
take risks often. They are curious and adventurous in their business
pursuits. They are willing to leap in to the unknown. Their risks
usually pay off.
12. Believe in themselves.
people, knowing who they are, believe and trust in themselves first
foremost. They do not need the validation of others to make decisions.
They instinctively know what is right for them and they go after it.
They do not want or wait for change. Being in the holding patterns of
waiting or wanting doesn’t fit their style.They take action and create
change. They know the only person they can count on completely is
13. Write goals on paper.
people have well-developed life strategies that include writing of
goals, visions, desires and dreams they want to achieve. They tend to be
avid journalers, list makers and dreamers. Writing is their first step
in making their dreams a reality.
14. Pay it forward.
people are the generously give success, knowledge and information to
others. They are teachers, guides, mentors and helpers. They put
themselves out here so the rest of us can benefit. Smart people share.
They uplift and make others better. In exchange, their own learning
grows and develops because they are actively talking about, researching,
understanding and expanding their own field of knowledge.
15. Reinvent themselves.
people abhor status quo and cannot stand being stagnated. They crave
growth and development and are willing to shift their image, brand,
logo, company name or change their direction entirely if necessary. To
stay current or ahead of the game. They know exactly with whom to
collaborate and are known to reinvent themselves over and over again.
people are always adding to their knowledge and network base, while at
the same time removing relationships, customers or strategies that no
longer serve them. Experience, intelligence, class, wisdom and
self-awareness are what set the smart apart from the average.
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